Thursday, May 22, 2008

Something Special On Record

In 1989 singer Clive Young scored his one and only top 40 hit in Australia with the song 'Something Special'. The single only climbed as high as #39 but did spend 17 weeks in the top 100 overall. I purchased the vinyl 45 originally and then later bought the CD compilation 'Hits Of '89 Vol.2' which included 'Something Special' in its tracklist.

I haven't been able to uncover much information on Clive Young the singer (not to be confused with Clive Young the author), but there are a number of songwriting credits in his name, including a song called 'Last Man Standing' recorded by country artist Adam Brand. He has also written songs with vocalist Anita Spring and co-wrote the Brielle Davis track 'Serial Thriller' (with Chrissie Amphlett). I've also come across the name Clive Young in connection with producing singe Gina G's 2005 CD 'Get Up & Dance'.

If anyone out there can offer some info. regards Clive Young's career pre. or post 'Something Special' I'd really appreciate it :)
STOP PRESS: Clive Young the author has kindly posted a comment related to correspondence he had with Clive Young the singer back in the 90s - many thanks for the info Clive. Clive Young the author now runs an ultracool website at the following address:
The quest for more info on Clive Young the singer continues...
Note: A big thanks to blog reader Garry who played with Clive Young in a band back in the 80s and has provided some additional info. on Clive's background during this period. Please see comment below.
In the meantime have a look at the promo video here:


  1. Hi from "Clive Young the author." It's fun to read up on my namesake, as I've only ever found bits and pieces of his story, and have never heard this song (I'm based in New York, and his music was never released here). Maybe 10 years ago, Clive and I traded emails; he was doing some songwriting work in Nashville for a while, as I recall, and I write about studios for a living, so we chatted a bit about that. I jokingly suggested that we co-write a song so that it would have the most schizophrenic songwriting credits ever; strangely, he never got back to me on that one. :D
    He used to own the domain name (which is how we got emailing), but eventually let it lapse; after it was dormant for a few months, I picked it up and it now leads to my site (start blatant plug), where you can find out all about my latest book, "Homemade Hollywood: Fans Behind The Camera," about the history of people making their own amateur Star Wars, superhero, etc. movies, from the 1920s to today. (end of plug)
    Anyway, enough of that--now I have to go listen to that song!

  2. Many thanks for your comment "Clive Young the author". I wondered about the whole namesake aspect to my "Clive Young the singer" post when it came to your own career. Personally I think your suggestion re. the possibility of a 'Clive Young & Clive Young' songwriting partnership could have been a real winner. It could have spawned a whole sub-genre of song-writing doppelgangers of a nomenclatural nature. The nonsensical aside, it was a honour to hear from you and in my research travels for my blogpost I made a point of adding your website to my favourites, and look forward to exploring it more. I've made a slight edit to my post to include a link to your website. I hope that's ok, if not please just let me know. I hope you enjoyed the Clive Young song too. Cheers.

  3. Re: Clive Young, singer - I played in a band with him in the early 80's. Here is a bit of info about him. He appeared on Kevin Dennis's New Faces, twice accompanied by his mate Kevin on guitar prior to them asking me to form a band with them. Band members were, Clive - Vocals, Lance - Drums, Vicky - Keyboards, Larry - Bass, Kevin & Garry - Guitars. The band had a different name every week but did play quite a few pub gigs around Melbourne. Band lasted approx. 12 - 18 months. I did not see him again until he was performing at the Middle in Ferntree Gully in a band called Talk that Walk who had a single out (Suface Tension b/w Harvest Time. Ran into him again later at Shane O'Mara's (Rebecca's Empire) 30th birthday party. He was just starting his solo career and Shane was involved in the recording of his material. He also appeared on Steve Vizard's show. Before becoming a singer he worked at a credit union and was married to Julie. He quit his job at the credit union to concentrate on his singing and supplemented his income by working part time painting with his then father in law. The last time I saw him he had remarried.

  4. Hi Garry,
    thanks very much for your comment and the information re. Clive. I'll just make a note at the bottom of my post to direct readers to your comment.


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